Asian Adventures

Friday, September 02, 2005


I think I am at the pinnacle of boredom. My ADD-esque tendencies have kicked in full force. After 1.5 days cooped up mid-typhoon, I think my ADD’d out self needs to run around the streets screaming to get it out of my system. The following are my desperate attempts to entertain myself over the past 2 hours:

-Phone everyone I can think of in Canada, but apparently you all have lives. But let’s be honest here. I’m in Taiwan and I don’t call often. The least - the very least - you could do is be home when I actually do.

-Re-read my journal from Vietnam, Thailand and Indo to try and re-live the more exciting moments of my life. Upon further consideration, however, I realize that my current situation is better than being fired at by some cracked out, power tripping, trigger happy cops.

-Played Hearts on my computer. Unfortunately the unavoidable temptation to restart every time you get a heart sort of sucks the life and fun out of this game.

-Broke out the Mandarin phrase book. I should’ve seen it coming, but the ADD that caused this stir crazy, cabin fever episode was also the causal factor in tonight’s failed attempt at mastering Mandarin.

-Tried to harass Steph into entertaining me, but she did little more than laugh at me.


So here I am, writing. It’s actually a bit of a milestone. I just recently hit the 4 month mark. I have now been living in Asia for as long as it would take me to complete a semester or my summer job. Up until this point my life has gone in cycles of school, work, school, work. The most excitement I experienced in a 4-month period was the occasional crazy man being kicked off the subway or the newest trend making its debut on the grounds of Western. These past 4 months have been…different. While last winters advent of Lulu’s tucked into Uggs was no-doubt momentous, I have since experienced a category 5 hurricane, witnessed hostile gunfire, become a legal resident in a country where only a very non-vocal minority can speak my language, set foot on the soil of 5 different countries spread across 2 continents and 2 hemispheres, learned to communicate without words, jumped head first into a job for which I have zero formal (or informal for that matter) training, climbed down a 30 foot waterfall, stood mere feet from a wild, deadly animal, and seen unbelievably beautiful land and sea scapes and hideously ugly cities

…all in the same amount of time it would take me to get 2.5 credits under my belt.


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